The biggest US consumer trends for 2023

The biggest US consumer trends for 2023: A marketer’s guide Leave a comment


The biggest US consumer trends for 2023: A marketer’s guide: As a marketer, it’s important to stay on top of the latest consumer trends to ensure that your brand stays relevant and attractive to potential customers. In 2023, there are several significant trends that will shape consumer behavior in the United States. In this guide, we’ll explore the biggest consumer trends for 2023 and what they mean for your marketing strategy.

Sustainability and eco-friendliness

Sustainability and eco-friendliness have been growing trends for several years, and in 2023, they will be more important than ever. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the impact their actions have on the environment and are seeking out products and services that are eco-friendly and sustainable. In fact, according to a survey by Nielsen, 81% of global consumers feel strongly that companies should help improve the environment.

As a marketer, it’s important to showcase your brand’s commitment to sustainability and eco-friendliness. This could include using environmentally-friendly packaging, sourcing materials from sustainable sources, and reducing your brand’s carbon footprint. You could also consider partnering with environmental organizations or donating a portion of your profits to eco-friendly causes.


Consumers are increasingly expecting personalized experiences, from personalized product recommendations to personalized marketing messages. This trend will only continue to grow in 2023, as consumers become more accustomed to the convenience of personalized experiences.

To incorporate personalization into your marketing strategy, consider using customer data to create targeted campaigns and personalized messaging. You could also offer personalized product recommendations on your website or through email marketing. Another option is to use artificial intelligence (AI) to create personalized content based on each individual customer’s interests and preferences.

Health and wellness

The health and wellness trend has been growing steadily for several years, and in 2023, it will continue to be a major driver of consumer behavior. Consumers are increasingly interested in products and services that promote their physical and mental health, such as organic food, natural beauty products, and fitness equipment.

To capitalize on this trend, consider incorporating health and wellness messaging into your marketing campaigns. Highlight the health benefits of your products or services and showcase how they can help consumers lead a healthier lifestyle. You could also consider partnering with health and wellness influencers or organizations to reach a wider audience.


In today’s fast-paced world, consumers are looking for convenience in all aspects of their lives. From fast food to one-click shopping, convenience is a major driver of consumer behavior. This trend will continue to grow in 2023, as consumers become even more time-constrained and demanding.

To incorporate convenience into your marketing strategy, consider offering fast and easy ordering options, such as one-click ordering or automatic reordering. You could also offer delivery or pickup options to make it easier for consumers to receive your products or services. Additionally, consider offering customer service options that are available 24/7, such as chatbots or AI-powered customer service.

Diversity and inclusivity

Diversity and inclusivity are becoming increasingly important to consumers, and in 2023, they will be major drivers of consumer behavior. Consumers are looking for brands that embrace diversity and inclusivity in their messaging, products, and services. In fact, according to a study by Accenture, 41% of consumers have shifted their business away from a company that didn’t align with their values.

To incorporate diversity and inclusivity into your marketing strategy, consider featuring diverse models and influencers in your campaigns. You could also showcase your brand’s commitment to diversity and inclusivity by partnering with organizations that promote these values. Additionally, consider offering products or services that are specifically targeted to underrepresented communities.


Technology is playing an increasingly important role in consumer behavior, and in 2023, it will continue to drive consumer trends.

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